
Fourni par Blogger.

If this was my parrot, I'd be the most badass pirate ever.

mercredi 9 avril 2014

My bird is a Solomon Island Eclectus (female. the males are bright green). She never makes a sound. They're the quiet of the parrot species, but they have the most expensive and most labor-intensive diet. I read everything there was to read, set off $875.00 for her, found a reputable breeder, drove 5 hours (one-way) to get her, and spent about $900 on cages/toys/food/etc.
I also grew up with small birds. I had a cockatiel and a parrotlet, and some experience with conures. I strongly suggest as a new parrot owner to do a shit ton of research. This species was the best one for me. She's quiet and she does well on her own, but she gets more than 8 hours a day out of her cage. They are not single-bonding birds, which is good as I live with other people. The females have a tendency to be aggressive, but I'm also very very patient and consistent with training her. They need a lot of toys and stimulation and their food takes a long time to prepare, but is similar to what I eat since I'm on a healthy diet.
Just remember, when picking a parrot, they typically live for like 65+ years.

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